Current OCTOBER 2024 AZ SWOT “Swap Net” Listings: All listing persons are “Good in QRZ” for email info unless otherwise stated.
- WA7ELN, Troy, has a pair of Icom IC-2720 dual band vhf/uhf mobiles, $175 each or $300 for both. Troy also has a Racal-Dana Frequency Counter for $50.
- K7SWK, Dave, Has a WANT for a medium power (300-500w) 2m linear amplifier. tel:+1(602)620-6862
- W5RCQ, Jerry, has a RCA light-duty TV antenna rotator with 20ft of cable, digital control box and remote $50. Also a InnovAntenna 2m LFA (Loop-Fed Array) yagi, 8-elements for $125 and matching balun $25 ($150 for both)
- K7KMR, Kevin, Has the following items for sale: MFJ-259B HF-2m antenna analyzer/freq. counter $100 obo. Radio Shack 12v, 25A switching supply with a noisy cooling fan $50. A Samlex SEC-1223 12v, 23A supply $100 obo. A Daiwa CN (cross-needle) 801HP SWR/Wattmeter $100 obo.
- KD5NLP, Mike, has the following for sale:
- Super Whip Antenna MP1DXTR8 $200.00
- Yaesu FTDX-101D $2,600
- Yaesu FTDX-10 $1,000
- Chameleon loop antenna (fully loaded with tripod) v3.0 magnetic loop, portable antenna system 10-80m like-new condition $400 or Best Offer.
- Also has a “basic” Chameleon loop v3.0 for $300
- WO1S, John, Has a few long-boom 1296 Mhz (1.2Ghz) yagis for sale. A 28-element, M2 20-element and M2 32-element. tel:(928)232-0204.